Sunday, January 12, 2020



For you shall worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is JEALOUS, is a jealous God. -- EXODUS 34:14

With God there is no coexist, only GOD. He is the zero-tolerance God. When Moses asked, "Who shall I tell the people sent me to them?" God did not reply I am (name of any god here) but I AM THAT I AM.

Just because a person chooses anyone, anything or nothing to believe in does not mean God will give that person(s) a pass when they die.
All of our worship, our love, our focus must be directed in His direction. BUT, though God demands our love and worship, He does NOT force it: we must make the choice to love Him in return. And out of that reciprocal love our worship will flow.

Our God is a consuming fire: Deuteronomy 4:24; Hebrews 12:29. Everything that is not of Him is consumed by Him. And other gods, idols, are not of Him. All such are destroyed by His fire, consumed away as if they never were, which they aren't.