Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Propitiation: turning away God's wrath
God is holy. Sin is unholiness. That God's wrath might be turned away from us, He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross in our place.
Jesus could have said no, but He didn't; He obeyed and went to the cross to die for us. 

When we believe this, we become His people and He becomes our God. He is the Savior of the whole world because He di...ed on the cross. But unless we believe in our hearts that God sent Him to die for us, and that this same God raised Christ from the dead, we will not truly know who Jesus is and what He has done for us individually.
We must each make a decision to not only believe on Him for our salvation, but we must also choose to live a godly, obedient lifestyle according to His WORD.
Yes, this is hard. And for most it will be impossible. Why? Because we need The Holy Spirit of God in us, guidng us, leading us, directing us: sanctifying our souls for God; The Holy Spirit makes us holy through His work in us, when we allow Him to work in us.
What are the chains with which we are bound? Sin chains. Whatever God says is sin is a link in the chains that bind each of us.
We do not all get bound by the same chains, but until we believe we are bound by some kind of chain.
The chains which had me bound are broken. Woo-hoo!