Spider webs are built by spiders. Spider webs are sticky traps meant to trap unaware travelers to be eaten at a later date. Cobwebs are built by dust mites in areas that are unused on a regular basis. For instance, empty houses and basement ceilings get cobwebs built in them quite often.
But what if cobwebs were built in less familiar places, places the eye never sees? Cobwebs not built by living dust mites, but lack of use. Take our hearts, for example.
When the heart fails to perform in The Way that it should, it becomes less useful and more hardened. As if the arteries of life were clogged by bitterness and pain. Secretive, dark places of the heart, where Love and Light barely, if ever, make a dent.
But Truth Light and Truth Love will surely persevere when a person is seeking to know God's will for their life. When they're looking for a way out of the darkness, pushing past the cobwebs that drape across the entrance to the heart.
As the Truth Love and Truth Light work Its Way across the heart, the heart expands, the cobwebs disappear and darkness fades into nothingness.